Internal Audit

Internal Audit Quality (AIM) is a systematic and independent examination to determine whether the implementation of the Internal Quality Assurance System (SPMI) effective and appropriate planning is done by a unit at the University OfBrawijaya (UB). AIM in UB done to check the conformity between the defined quality standards, the Quality Management System (QMS) Academic, Finance and Administration with implementation by the work unit in UB.
Internal Audit Quality (AIM) is useful for:

  • Help identify any discrepancies that have been and are or are happening, as well as things that later have a tendency to cause problems (mismatch).
  • Documented system ensuring compliance with the requirements of the referenced standard.
  • Ensuring compliance activities implemented with documented system.
  • Ensuring consistent implementation of the system.
  • Ensuring the effectiveness of the implementation of the system.
  • Improve / develop the system.

PIDK periodically (at least 1 (one) years), has followed the Internal Audit Quality (AIM) UB Academic Support Unit of Work, conducted by PJM. PIDK began to follow the audit process from the AIM UKPPA Cycle 5, and again following the audit process in October 2013, namely AIM UKPPA Cycle 6. And the latest PIDK also have followed the quality internal audit of PJM, the AIM UKPPA Cycle 7 were in places on dated May 22, 2014.

AIM results for UB PIDK

AIM UKPPA 5 cycles held in the conference room rector 2nd floor (corridor) to be attended by two auditors from PJM Prof. Dr. Ir. Muhammad Bisri, MS, and HerlinaPratiwi, DVM. and also attended by all officials and staff PIDK PIDK from the Information Service, Complaints and Public Relation section UB.
On AIM UKPPA this cycle 5 times, PIDK get 3 field findings that field PIDK organizational structure that is not yet complete and there are a few names the same position with the position in other work units (ie PIDK ICT and ICT Unit), then the products PIDK so adapted to the structure organization and arrangement of space should also be disusaikan by PIDK structure. Therefore PIDK UB will make improvements on the advice of the Auditor.

Internal Auditor Visits (Prof. Ir. Marsoedi, Ph.D, and Drs. Syaifuddin, M.Hum.) for AIM UKPPA Cycle 6

AIM UKPPA Cycle 6 on PIDK UB rector held in the conference room floor 2 (corridor) to be attended by two auditors from PJM Prof. Ir. Marsoedi, Ph.D, and Drs. Syaifuddin, M.Hum. and also attended by all officials and staff PIDK PIDK from the Information Service, Complaints and Public Relation section UB.
On AIM UKPPA 6 times this cycle, PIDK has made some improvements on the findings of the AIM UKPPA cycle 5 years ago, ie in accordance with the spatial planning PIDK PIDK Organizational Structure, and PIDK able to show the results or products produced. While that is still in the process is the Organizational Structure PIDK complete unfilled, because UB is still awaiting ratification latest Organizational Structure of Kemenpan-RI. Besides internal auditor also added some of the findings in the audit PIDK at this time, namely the end of the management review need to be prepared, the need for document control activities, the legality of the sheet must be adapted to the ratification document PIDK organizational structure, vision and mission PIDK not fit in PIDK web, and some quality assurance PIDK menu on the web unfilled. While some of the findings during the audit of ISO 9001: 2008 has been improved, namely the development of e-complaint system and improvements to the quality objectives PIDK.

AIM UKPPA Siklus 7Internal Auditor Visits (Nila Firdausi Nuzula, S. Sos., M.Si, Ph.D. and Dr. Eng. Indradi Wijatmiko, ST., M.Eng.) for AIM UKPPA Cycle 7

AIM UKPPA Cycle 7 on PIDK UB held in the conference room 2 rector 6th floor, attended by two auditors from PJM is NilaFerdowsiNuzula, S. Sos., M.Si, Ph.D. and Dr. Eng. IndradiWijatmiko, ST., M.Eng., And attended by all officers and staff in PIDK PIDK from the Information Service, Complaints and Public Relation section UB.
On AIM UKPPA 7 times this cycle, PIDK has made some improvements on the findings of the AIM UKPPA cycle 6 years ago, the Document Preparation PIDK control work activities, the implementation of the Management Review and the making of the report, and complete the information on the web menu id is currently 6 audit cycle ago is still incomplete. While that is still in the process is the Organizational Structure PIDK complete unfilled, because UB is still awaiting ratification latest Organizational Structure of Kemenpan-RI. Besides internal auditor also added some of the findings in the audit PIDK at this time, namely PIDK need to provide further details on their website at the menu accomplishment, service, and quality assurance documents precisely in sub menu Form and Records. While some of the findings during the audit of ISO 9001: 2008 has been improved, namely the development of e-complaint system and improvements to the quality objectives PIDK.